Most people imagine divorce as a very contentious battle. They imagine a long, drawn out process that is expensive to both parties and leaves bridges burned and feelings hurt. In some cases, this is exactly what happens. But more and more, couples are looking for a way to separate without the bad blood that can… Read More >
Advantages of Settling Your Florida Divorce Case
Did you know that approximately 95% of all divorce cases settle, while only the remaining 5% go to trial? While these numbers may seem odd for a type of legal action which is so emotional and where the stakes are often so high, the numbers are indeed accurate. One major reason why the rate of… Read More >
Benefits of a Collaborative Divorce in Florida
Collaborative divorce has become more and more common in recent years. This method of divorce has the couple sit down with a South Florida Divorce Lawyer at their side to try to find a compromise position to their divorce. The process is non-adversarial, private, and does not take place in a courtroom. If the parties… Read More >