Like financial assets, artwork is one of the most hotly debated elements of high net worth divorce cases. In some cases, the artwork is a prized collection. In other cases, the artwork symbolizes status. In addition to its financial worth, artwork can create an emotional attachment for one or both spouses. No matter where you… Read More >
Experts’ Role in Contested Florida High-Asset Divorce Cases
Much like a complex or a substantial business transaction, a high-asset divorce may require an analysis of complex financial issues, including sophisticated valuation issues, tax implications, projections for growth of certain assets and other complexities. In a contested high-asset divorce case, our law firm works closely with a variety of experts to ensure that all… Read More >
Dividing Assets in a Florida Divorce
During a marriage, property and assets become a mingling of “his”, “hers”, and “ours”. In many cases, the process of determining who gets what becomes muddled as each spouse attempts to claim property and find a suitable way to divide assets. Dividing assets in a Florida divorce can be determined by the parties through a… Read More >