Divorces can range from the amicable to the absurd and downright ugly. Individuals who are in the public eye and are seeking a divorce, perhaps more so than the average citizen, need to obtain the advice of a competent attorney early in the process so as not to cause undue damage to their case or… Read More >
Child Visitation Rights in Florida
In Florida, each parent have a “time sharing” arrangement with their child or children. Under this arrangement, there is no formal “custody” as each parent has an equal responsibility for their offspring. Ideally, parents would be able to work out a time sharing arrangement with their respective child custody attorneys. If an agreement cannot be… Read More >
Calculating Imputed Income in Florida
In Florida, parents are expected to care for their children to the best of their ability. This means contributing as much money as possible to their upbringing. Unfortunately, some parents try to skirt this responsibility by artificially depressing their earnings to lower their child support amount. When this occurs, the family law judge will impute… Read More >
What is Collaborative Divorce?
Most people imagine divorce as a very contentious battle. They imagine a long, drawn out process that is expensive to both parties and leaves bridges burned and feelings hurt. In some cases, this is exactly what happens. But more and more, couples are looking for a way to separate without the bad blood that can… Read More >