The parenting plan is an important part of any Florida divorce which involves children. Parents who are involved in creating a parenting plan may feel as if they have to choose between creating a parenting plan that is flexible to meet their needs and the needs of their soon to be former spouse, and creating… Read More >
West Palm Beach Divorce and Child Custody Lawyer on Shared Parenting in Florida
The National Parents Organization (NPO) is a charitable and educational organization committed to family law reform whose focus is the promotion of shared parenting in which both parents have equal say in the raising of children after divorce or separation. Citing recent studies on the effects of shared parenting on children, the NPO believes that… Read More >
Florida Legal and Physical Child Custody and Support
Most states have child custody laws that refer to “legal” as well as “physical” custody. A parent awarded sole legal custody will make all the decisions for the child regarding education, discipline, religion, health, etc. Physical custody is awarded to the parent that the child lives with as his principal residence. Florida’s child custody laws… Read More >
South Florida Child Custody Lawyer Analyzes the Matter of Religion in the Context of Child Custody
When parents with different religious beliefs separate, the question of religion in the context of a child’s upbringing becomes complicated. In Florida, rather than awarding legal and physical custody to one or both parents, the court will approve a parenting plan that provides details on all issues related to the raising of the child, including… Read More >