The judicial decision as to whether to order the payment of alimony in a divorce is often a contentious one. It raises concerns of fairness for both the payor and the payee, accusations of lifelong financial enslavement to a former spouse, as well as questions as to the nature and consequence of marriage in a… Read More >
What is Collaborative Divorce?
Most people imagine divorce as a very contentious battle. They imagine a long, drawn out process that is expensive to both parties and leaves bridges burned and feelings hurt. In some cases, this is exactly what happens. But more and more, couples are looking for a way to separate without the bad blood that can… Read More >
Marital Property vs Separate Property in Florida
When a couple divorces, the judge will work to equitably divide the marital property while the couple will retain their separate property. This leads to the question, just how is separate property determined? The simplest way is with a prenuptial agreement that outlines all property and specifically defines what property is separate and what is… Read More >
Is the Mother Always Granted Custody of the Child?
There is a perception among some men that the mother always gets custody of the children when a marriage dissolves. There are anecdotal stories of women obtaining favorable outcomes at the expense of men, but there is nothing in the law that states that the mother has any advantage over the man when it comes… Read More >
Florida Child Custody and Visitation Attorney Discusses Supervised Visitation Programs
Many parents struggle with the issue of visitation because of fear of violence or psychological harm to their child by the other parent. In cases where the danger is not severe enough to cut off visitation entirely and when no friend or family member can help, a parent may wish to seek out a neutral… Read More >
Divorce Lawyer in West Palm Beach Gives Practical Advice on Post-Divorce Observation of Birthdays and Holidays, Part 2
When a relationship unravels and two people no longer live together, there are legal as well as practical consequences that affect not only them, but also their children. The reality of the breakup often is felt most keenly on special days such as birthdays and holidays. Children especially can be subject to negative feelings and… Read More >
South Florida Child Custody Lawyer Analyzes the Matter of Religion in the Context of Child Custody
When parents with different religious beliefs separate, the question of religion in the context of a child’s upbringing becomes complicated. In Florida, rather than awarding legal and physical custody to one or both parents, the court will approve a parenting plan that provides details on all issues related to the raising of the child, including… Read More >
Effects of Divorce
The decision to end a marriage is not an easy one to make. While the vast majority of people have viewed divorce from the outside, having observed friends, family, or coworkers who have gone through it, most people are not fully prepared to handle all the tangled emotional and legal aspects of the divorce process… Read More >
Ludacris’ Custody Battle
Child custody disputes can be very complicated and long-lasting between two people who cannot see eye to eye. This seems to be the scenario that is unfolding in the media between Grammy Award-winning rapper Christopher Bridges, a.k.a. Ludacris, and the mother of baby Cai, Tamika Fuller. Each state uses the best interests of the child standard… Read More >
Divorce Lawyer in West Palm Beach Discusses Roots of Divorce
Due to the statistically significant 33 percent increase in divorce filings in January nationwide, this month has been dubbed “Divorce Month.” There are many reasons why couples divorce, but the reason January has such a high rate of filing is generally attributed to a couple’s desire to maintain peace during the holidays. Unfortunately, once the… Read More >