One of the key decisions made when a marriage ends is how the marital property will be divided. In these cases, it will be beneficial to work with a divorce lawyer in West Palm Beach. In Florida, determining how marital property is divided is generally a two-stage process, as a divorce attorney in West Palm Beach… Read More >
Property Division Basics for Florida Divorces
When a couple decides to get divorced, they can divide their property in one of two ways. The first option is for the couple to work together to decide who will keep which pieces of property, and who will be responsible for which debts. If the divorcing parties can agree on how to divide all… Read More >
Community Property versus Equitable Distribution
There are several factors that will affect the outcome of your divorce, from the length of your marriage, each of your incomes and assets, and the involvement of children. One important factor, however, will play a large role in the outcome of the distribution of your marital assets. That factor is the location of your… Read More >
Best Practices for Dividing Art in a Florida Divorce
Like financial assets, artwork is one of the most hotly debated elements of high net worth divorce cases. In some cases, the artwork is a prized collection. In other cases, the artwork symbolizes status. In addition to its financial worth, artwork can create an emotional attachment for one or both spouses. No matter where you… Read More >
Division of Art and Antiques in a Florida Divorce
In a divorce, marital assets are split between both parties. The only time this isn’t done is when there is a mutual agreement written and signed by both parties. Without that, the divorcing couple has to go through mediation and a final hearing, if an agreement hasn’t been reached before then. The values of all… Read More >