A question we frequently encounter in our family law practice is whether Florida provides for court-adjudicated legal separation. Florida is one of only eight states that does not have a statute acknowledging legal separation as a status. However, couples that desire to separate without divorcing can avail themselves of the courts when it comes to… Read More >
Legal Standard for Modifying a Florida Parenting Plan
Parents that go through the divorce process in Florida will have created a parenting plan either by entering into an agreement or having the family law judge impose a parenting plan by way of the Final Judgment of Dissolution of Marriage. The Parenting Plan will specify time-sharing arrangements and the distribution of parental rights and… Read More >
Mediate your Florida Divorce
If you are involved in a Florida divorce, you may have heard that most divorce cases do not go all the way to trial. Many divorce clients are able to avoid the time and expense of going to trial by working with their attorneys to negotiate agreements which cover property division, parental responsibility and time-sharing,… Read More >
Alimony in a Florida Divorce
You can think of this like child support, but for the husband or wife (depending on the circumstances). After a Florida divorce, you may be instructed to pay or be paid alimony for a certain amount of time. This is normally the case when one of the spouses earns significantly more than the other. The… Read More >
High Asset Florida Divorce
In a high asset Florida divorce case, issues such as property division and alimony can be more complex. Sometimes it is necessary to utilize experts to conduct a valuation of difficult to value assets or determine the proper valuation of a business or professional practice. However, at the Law Offices of James S. Cunha, P.A., our… Read More >
Dividing Assets in a Florida Divorce
During a marriage, property and assets become a mingling of “his”, “hers”, and “ours”. In many cases, the process of determining who gets what becomes muddled as each spouse attempts to claim property and find a suitable way to divide assets. Dividing assets in a Florida divorce can be determined by the parties through a… Read More >
Protecting your Family and Assets in a Florida Divorce
Divorce is a very painful time for anyone. It affects nearly every aspect of an individual’s life, home, children, and assets for years to come. If you are involved in a marriage that is coming apart, it will help make the process less damaging over the long term if you have accurate, helpful advice as… Read More >
Late-Life Divorce in Florida
Although divorce rates in the U.S. have declined in the past ten years, the divorce rate for couples over 50, known as “late-life divorce,” has doubled between 1990 and 2009. There are many reasons for this phenomenon, and older couples have some unique circumstances that make these divorces different from those that occur between younger… Read More >
Smart Money Moves for Your Florida Divorce
Divorce involves many challenges, and the financial changes that often come with it are not always easy to manage. Fortunately, there are some proactive things that you can do to stabilize your financial situation during your divorce which will put you in a good position to move forward with the confidence that you can keep… Read More >
Detailed Parenting Plans Can Prevent Future Disputes
The parenting plan is an important part of any Florida divorce which involves children. Parents who are involved in creating a parenting plan may feel as if they have to choose between creating a parenting plan that is flexible to meet their needs and the needs of their soon to be former spouse, and creating… Read More >