During a marriage, property and assets become a mingling of “his”, “hers”, and “ours”. In many cases, the process of determining who gets what becomes muddled as each spouse attempts to claim property and find a suitable way to divide assets. Dividing assets in a Florida divorce can be determined by the parties through a… Read More >
Smart Money Moves for Your Florida Divorce
Divorce involves many challenges, and the financial changes that often come with it are not always easy to manage. Fortunately, there are some proactive things that you can do to stabilize your financial situation during your divorce which will put you in a good position to move forward with the confidence that you can keep… Read More >
Top 5 Mistakes Made by Divorcing Couples in Florida
Divorce is a time of immense stress, uncertainty, and upheaval. Navigating this difficult process can be a challenge for anyone. Surviving your divorce and emerging successfully on a personal, financial, and emotional front requires a thorough self-evaluation, external awareness, and some help from a Florida attorney well versed in the field of family and divorce… Read More >
What You Should Bring to an Initial Meeting with a Florida Divorce Attorney?
In a previous blog post we addressed what types of questions a prospective client should ask a Florida divorce attorney when evaluating whether to retain a law firm for legal representation in a divorce case. There also are a number of documents that you should bring to an initial consultation that can facilitate an attorney’s… Read More >
Organizing your Documents before Filing for Divorce in Florida
When Florida couples begin the divorce process, one of the most stressful and highly debated elements of the divorce case is the issue of finances. Unfortunately, many couples fail to be proactive in financial planning before the divorce, which exacerbates stress and tension once the process has begun. What makes matters worse is the fact… Read More >
Debt in a Florida Divorce
When a couple is getting a divorce, there are many things that have to be decided and property that has to be allocated between the spouses. However, the issue that really surprises a lot of couples is what happens to the debt. There are many different types of debt and the way that this debt… Read More >