One of the most common reasons for divorce in the United States is infidelity. When one partner cheats on the other, it can sever the bonds of trust in such a way that it can never be repaired. These cases are often very emotional with one party wanting to make the cheating spouse pay. As… Read More >
Division of Art and Antiques in a Florida Divorce
In a divorce, marital assets are split between both parties. The only time this isn’t done is when there is a mutual agreement written and signed by both parties. Without that, the divorcing couple has to go through mediation and a final hearing, if an agreement hasn’t been reached before then. The values of all… Read More >
Marital Property vs Separate Property in Florida
When a couple divorces, the judge will work to equitably divide the marital property while the couple will retain their separate property. This leads to the question, just how is separate property determined? The simplest way is with a prenuptial agreement that outlines all property and specifically defines what property is separate and what is… Read More >
High Net Worth Florida Divorces
Most divorces are complicated for both parties, especially when there is a lot of money, property and children involved. It’s no surprise that High Net Worth Florida Divorces oftentimes turn into high-conflict cases where much is at stake. It’s easy to lose your focus during these intensely personal and emotional proceedings, making it harder to see… Read More >
Effects of Divorce
The decision to end a marriage is not an easy one to make. While the vast majority of people have viewed divorce from the outside, having observed friends, family, or coworkers who have gone through it, most people are not fully prepared to handle all the tangled emotional and legal aspects of the divorce process… Read More >
Florida Child Support in Cases Involving High Income Earning Parents
Florida Child Support in Cases Involving High Income Earning Parents Are you a professional athlete, executive, physician, business-owner, professional, or celebrity who earns a substantial annual salary and you are thinking about filing for divorce or a paternity action whereby the court will have to determine child support? Below are a few things you should… Read More >
Best Practices for Dividing Art in a Florida Divorce
Like financial assets, artwork is one of the most hotly debated elements of high net worth divorce cases. In some cases, the artwork is a prized collection. In other cases, the artwork symbolizes status. In addition to its financial worth, artwork can create an emotional attachment for one or both spouses. No matter where you… Read More >
Challenges to a Florida Prenuptial Agreement
Couples who are considering marriage often take the step of entering into a premarital contract, also known as a prenuptial agreement or “prenup,” so that each of the parties to the marriage understand and agree beforehand on the handling of financial matters should it end in divorce. The idea behind such agreements is to avoid… Read More >
Organizing your Documents before Filing for Divorce in Florida
When Florida couples begin the divorce process, one of the most stressful and highly debated elements of the divorce case is the issue of finances. Unfortunately, many couples fail to be proactive in financial planning before the divorce, which exacerbates stress and tension once the process has begun. What makes matters worse is the fact… Read More >
Divorce Attorney Discusses Legal Separation in Florida
A question we frequently encounter in our family law practice is whether Florida provides for court-adjudicated legal separation. Florida is one of only eight states that does not have a statute acknowledging legal separation as a status. However, couples that desire to separate without divorcing can avail themselves of the courts when it comes to… Read More >