In a divorce, marital assets are split between both parties. The only time this isn’t done is when there is a mutual agreement written and signed by both parties. Without that, the divorcing couple has to go through mediation and a final hearing, if an agreement hasn’t been reached before then. The values of all… Read More >
Marital Property vs Separate Property in Florida
When a couple divorces, the judge will work to equitably divide the marital property while the couple will retain their separate property. This leads to the question, just how is separate property determined? The simplest way is with a prenuptial agreement that outlines all property and specifically defines what property is separate and what is… Read More >
How is Property Divided in a Florida Divorce?
Many people struggle with the division of assets in a divorce. Since certain possessions take on a sentimental value while others have a real monetary value, it can be difficult to decide how to “equitably divide” this property. First, it is important to note that the two parties will have marital and non-marital property. Non-marital… Read More >
Experts’ Role in Contested Florida High-Asset Divorce Cases
Much like a complex or a substantial business transaction, a high-asset divorce may require an analysis of complex financial issues, including sophisticated valuation issues, tax implications, projections for growth of certain assets and other complexities. In a contested high-asset divorce case, our law firm works closely with a variety of experts to ensure that all… Read More >
Dividing Assets in a Florida Divorce
During a marriage, property and assets become a mingling of “his”, “hers”, and “ours”. In many cases, the process of determining who gets what becomes muddled as each spouse attempts to claim property and find a suitable way to divide assets. Dividing assets in a Florida divorce can be determined by the parties through a… Read More >
Late-Life Divorce in Florida
Although divorce rates in the U.S. have declined in the past ten years, the divorce rate for couples over 50, known as “late-life divorce,” has doubled between 1990 and 2009. There are many reasons for this phenomenon, and older couples have some unique circumstances that make these divorces different from those that occur between younger… Read More >
Smart Money Moves for Your Florida Divorce
Divorce involves many challenges, and the financial changes that often come with it are not always easy to manage. Fortunately, there are some proactive things that you can do to stabilize your financial situation during your divorce which will put you in a good position to move forward with the confidence that you can keep… Read More >
Overview of Alimony in Florida
In a Florida divorce proceeding, the judge may award alimony (also known as maintenance or spousal support) to a spouse who is in financial need. Alimony generally refers to a monetary amount that the court determines is appropriate for one spouse to pay to the other (i.e., whether for a certain period of time, by… Read More >
Financial Implications in Florida Divorce Cases
Everyone knows that divorce cases can be costly in terms of time, effort, and of course, emotion. In fact, the highest cost of a divorce is often the toll of the proceeding on the people involved, particularly children. However, it is important to keep in mind that the financial aspects of a divorce can also… Read More >
Home Appraisal for Your Florida Divorce?
Oftentimes, the question is raised as to whether you need a home appraisal for your Florida divorce. When a married couple decides to divorce, their property must be divided equitably between the two of them. While a couple can choose to dispose of their home in any way that they would like (as long as… Read More >