Many parents struggle with the issue of visitation because of fear of violence or psychological harm to their child by the other parent. In cases where the danger is not severe enough to cut off visitation entirely and when no friend or family member can help, a parent may wish to seek out a neutral… Read More >
Child Visitation Rights in Florida
In Florida, each parent have a “time sharing” arrangement with their child or children. Under this arrangement, there is no formal “custody” as each parent has an equal responsibility for their offspring. Ideally, parents would be able to work out a time sharing arrangement with their respective child custody attorneys. If an agreement cannot be… Read More >
Effects of Divorce
The decision to end a marriage is not an easy one to make. While the vast majority of people have viewed divorce from the outside, having observed friends, family, or coworkers who have gone through it, most people are not fully prepared to handle all the tangled emotional and legal aspects of the divorce process… Read More >
Legal Standard for Modifying a Florida Parenting Plan
Parents that go through the divorce process in Florida will have created a parenting plan either by entering into an agreement or having the family law judge impose a parenting plan by way of the Final Judgment of Dissolution of Marriage. The Parenting Plan will specify time-sharing arrangements and the distribution of parental rights and… Read More >
Florida Legal and Physical Child Custody and Support
Most states have child custody laws that refer to “legal” as well as “physical” custody. A parent awarded sole legal custody will make all the decisions for the child regarding education, discipline, religion, health, etc. Physical custody is awarded to the parent that the child lives with as his principal residence. Florida’s child custody laws… Read More >
Florida Parenting Plan and Time Sharing
A Florida divorce that involves minor children can become complicated fairly quickly. There are many wrinkles that need to be smoothed out, which can be done more effectively with the assistance of a divorce lawyer in West Palm Beach. If this is your first time being involved in a dissolution of marriage in the state… Read More >